Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mercy on Me

I'm really not all that much of an emotional person (except when it comes to my family), but right now I cannot stop the tears from flowing. I'm just having a moment when I am overwhelmed by God's love for me. Usually these moments happen during a worship service - they are not very often, but when they come I cannot speak, only the tears spill out. Today it is odd - I am just sitting at my desk. This morning I was studying Romans 15. The last few verses in the first section of chapter 15 (vs.9-13) talk about God's mercy on the Gentiles. We were not part of the covenant. We were not included in the promises God made to the Israelite Patriarchs. Yet, God was willing to set Israel aside for a time in order for us to be brought in.

I know that, have known that, no big deal. I know that God's gift of salvation to me was something unearned, undeserved. BUT, I guess it just dawned on me today that although no man (Jew or Gentile) deserves God's mercy, as a Gentile I was not even part of the plan. I was not included, but God, in His mercy, made the decision to include me. Why me? Why, why, why? I am not worthy, I am not someone God needs, I am not someone who was God's friend, I am not part of His chosen people.

I don't know - it just hit me today like never before how great a gift my salvation is. It's a great gift period. AND it is a gift that was not intended for me, I have absolutey no reason to feel entitled (although that's exactly how I act sometimes) - God just decided to extend it to me in His mercy.

I can't explain it well. I've just realized that I have taken my salvation for granted and now I see that it is even a bigger gift than I ever understood.

After writing my notes down, I came across Kari Jobe singing Revelation Song. That pushed me over the edge. "Sing a new song to Him who sits on heaven's mercy seat!" In Romans 15:9-11 that is exactly what we Gentiles are told to do: to praise and sing hymns to His name.

I don't know what else to say; I am just blown away in a fresh and new way by the gift of salvation.

I couldn't add the link for some reason, but here is the address you can copy and paste into your browser. Take a minute, really listen to the words, really think about the mercy God has given you.

God receive these tears as my expression of thanks. Help me NEVER take Your great gift for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bro. Dave,, read and listen to this just now,, made for a great lunch experience.
