Thursday, November 5, 2009

How Quickly We Forget

We are in Belton TX, not far from Ft. Hood where the shooting has just occurred. Lots of tension here, schools locked down, etc.
As we are listening to the radio and headed to our hotel. Anna Grace mentions the tight security and then says, "But you know, the thing is, after a few weeks people will forget and everything will go back to the way it was."
We've seen that played out time and time again haven't we? The sad thing is, that's also true of our spiritual life. We have a difficult or eye-opening time and we really call out to God, but then life gets better so we forget Him. Or we have a time where we really connect with God - we know we are in His presence and we are so blessed - then we walk on and life goes back to what it was.
You know, God told the Israelites to be careful when they got into the land and began to prosper, not to forget Him. You know the story. God knows how we are; we need to remember how we are - never forget who He is, what He has done, what He has done for you.

God, help my life never to be one where things get back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Dave. I see the flags flying at half-mast. I grieve for the families of those gunned down and wounded. Might have happened over seas but it should not have happened on American soil.
