Monday, December 7, 2009

Keep Christ in Christmas!

Many years ago, after prayer was removed from the public schools, I read an article about a Senator who was being grilled at a town hall meeting. People were furious about prayer being removed. He sympathized with them, but they still were quite hostile toward him. Finally he asked, "How many of you pray with your children each day before they go to school?" The room grew quiet, end of discussion.

It is so easy to complain about the way things are, to hold others responsible, yet do little ourselves to bring about change.

I was thinking about this whole movement in recent years to take Christ out of Christmas. Should we protest, should we write lettes, should we boycott stores? Certainly...but we should do much more. Instead of just complaining about culture, we should look at our own lives to see if they reflect Christ in our celebration of Christmas.

What kind of gifts are we giving Him? It is His birthday, not ours. Nothing wrong with giving gifts to our loved ones, but don't we often leave Him out? Since our children were very young, we have made it a priority in our family to give the largest gift each year (by monetary value) to the Lord - we do that through our church's world mission offering. This year the Lord has blessed us so that we were able to give a gift larger than all other gifts combined. I share this not to boast about our family - it is to brag on God; He has been good, we are delighted to give a big birthday gift to Him.

What about how we demonstrate Christ in Christmas to others? Are we sharing His love in a tangible way with the poor? Are we sending a Merry Christmas to our soldiers who are in harms way so we may celebrate our Lord's birthday? Are we convinced that knowing the Lord of Christmas is so important that we give to support missionaries or send them letters of encouragement?

Are we spreading the joy of Christmas? Just because that store employee says "Happy Holidays" doesn't mean we can't respond with a warm, heartfelt "Merry Christmas." (In fact, many may be encouraged to hear that while working in such politically correct oppressive environments). When we are caught up in the hustle and bustle of people and lines, ineptness and rudeness, can we be pleasant and bring a little joy into the mix?

There are lots of ways to keep Christ in Christmas no matter what culture is doing. Remember, if you are a Christian, you are a "little Christ." Where you go, His image goes. Ask Him each day to direct your steps, your words, your actions. Share the joy; keep Christ in Christmas.

God help others see Christ this Christmas when they see me.

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